
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Irony of the Medium

Bill O'Reilly was on Letterman last week, and in watching the interview it always impresses me the differences in public perception depending on your particular method of communication. Unfortunately, this really does become a liberal versus conservative discussion, but because of the sources more than ideology.
Taking O'Reilly and Letterman as examples, are we able to make a case for which one is the most knowledgeable about world affairs or which one cares about the common man the most? What about who is the funniest?
As President Obama has proved, anyone can read something written for them from a teleprompter (sometimes it is written for someone else and they read it by mistake). O'Reilly discusses talking points established for him by a writing staff behind the scenes, Letterman makes jokes written for him the same way. O'Reilly "cares" about you enough to give you the "facts" given his particular slant, Letterman makes jokes about "facts" given his political slant. Letterman has jokes written for him and he is funny, yet O'Reilly does not have jokes written for him.
Honestly, I'm not an O'Reilly fan per se. As far as news networks go, I will watch FoxNews because though I hate Karl Rove, they are represented by the fewest officials in the government who have screwed up this country. O'Reilly is not terrible, I was a Huckabee fan, and if I watch TV commentary it comes from Glenn Beck. Though Beck is a weak libertarian, he is the closest thing we have in the mainstream media. Every time I have to watch Paul Begala on CNN or have to suffer through Olbermann on MSNBC, I beg my wife to go pull a gun out of the closet and put me out of my misery.
We rely on a lot of trust in life in these matters. I trust my gut. My gut tells me that the best that I (or anyone else can do) is simply the best for ourselves and our family and friends. I can provide for myself and my family, and I want society to do the same. Neither political party is helping me with this right now, and the funny media and the actual media are doing very little to show me that they will give up slant to want that for me and everyone else.
O'Reilly is not a Conservative as he does not believe in small government, neither does Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and the like. They just want big government their way. America seems just as unable to decipher the genuineness of these men's conservatism any more than I can distinguish whether or not Letterman, Leno, O'Brien, Stewart, or EVEN Colbert are funny without writers assisting them.
Let's hope one day it gets to be easier for us to truly know the sources of our worldview.

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