
Friday, February 20, 2009

Running Out of Insults.....

First off, Barack Obama is difficult enough to make fun of in the first place. I think I did a decent job that other day in a manner which could be difficult to play the race card on, but who knows with the way things are going today. Obama is very affluent, youthful, charismatic, a smooth talker, and relatively attractive. George W. Bush was obviously much easier to make fun of, and he didn't do anything to help his case (like take a public speaking course).
Yet this week, the NY Post published a quite funny cartoon. Now, people are picketing and representatives of Barack Obama are screaming racism. For the background, this week a chimpanzee attacked a friend of its owner. The police had to shoot the chimpanzee, because of course the owner was "helpless" in preventing the attack.
So, the police, now in the cartoon, shot down a monkey in the street. One says to the other, now who's going to write the stimulus bill? The hilarity of it all is that Obama just drafted the direction of the bill, Congress on both sides had to introduce a bunch of pork bills, handwritten chicken-scratch, and passed both the most expensive and the sloppiest piece of legislation in American history. Is the monkey a shot at Obama, Congress, or everyone who had a hand in the bill? If insurance can be so easy a caveman can do it, or investing so easy an infant can do it, then why can't a legislative bill be so crappy that a monkey could have written better? You decide.
Personally, I would have drawn an comic strip of a monkey that looks like Obama crap on the floor in one slide, in the second he would pick it up and throw it at the wall, and in the third have all of Congress standing around the feces with hands raised saying "Yay" in unison.
Historically, presidential cartoons have taken several images consistently for all presidents. They always either depict the elephant or the donkey of the respective political parties, cowboys or monkeys for the individuals themselves, or some combination of both. George Bush was both, and it didn't help matters that he actually looked like a monkey!
Today, throughout the campaign, Obama advisors and officials consistently played the race card for Obama while he "stayed above the fray." Basically, stating that in a back room, he was telling them to be tough while he can look cool, collected, and unnerved. Now while in office, he is already campaigning for his second term and is still defying anyone who makes a negative statement about him as "racist."
A monkey is a 1960's racist depiction of black people. If he's walking along side an elephant then we've sent black people back to the pre-slavery days back in African tribes. If he's walking a donkey then he's a slave. If he's dressed as a cowboy, then we're depicting him as the oppositive of slaves and rubbing it in that blacks were not afforded the luxury in the 1800's of being cowboys.
It's a no-win for cartoonists if the Obama officials keep playing these games. It is unfortunate. If you can't make fun of the president (like sarcastically referring to him as evolutionarily advanced beyond the current homosapien species), then who can we make fun of?

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