
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

This All Must End

Barack Obama is not going to need an entire term to destroy the foundation with which this nation was built upon, he's probably going to need six months. We are a nation that was built on localized control, that solved our own problems and stayed away from the problems of the rest of the world, and believed in individual liberty and freedom. Barack Obama is single-handedly destroying our freedoms more and more by the day. Don't believe me:

Economic Freedom and National Economic Independence
Personal Doctor/Patient Relationships with Regard to Health Care Decision Making
Raising our Taxes while Appointing Tax Dodgers
Running Up Deficits and Policies that will Enslave our Children and Grandchildren to Terribly High Taxes - as well as looking the public in the eye and lying to them about his tax/spending ambitions
A Government that tell you Who to Hire, What to Pay them, What Race/Gender they will be, and What they will take from You to give to who They Want
Running a Communist-esque cabinet filled with a "Who's Who Among Corporate/Washington Elites" while signing excessive numbers of executive orders into law to make political statements while ignoring the loss of civil liberties due to the United States government around the world
Decreasing the Charitable Tax Deductions which will REDUCE charitable contributions in the United States by an estimated $4 billion while increasing governmental charitable giving by $100 million (net loss of $3.9 billion)
Working with one Nuclear Facist to slow the ambitions of another Facist while ignoring free people in Eastern Europe who fear the Imperialist ambitions of Russia

I could go on, but this is a very scary time. This is a nation that is destroying itself by entitlement spending (which soon after Obama's budget deficit FALLS to $533B while drive the budget back up), by handing over our liberties and our personal responsibility to our government, that believes that a corrupt government can dictate what we can afford more than we can, that redistributes BOTH wealth AND troops from one war to another, and on and on.

The government needs to dictate a nation where YOU decide how much health care you can afford, YOU save for YOUR retirement, YOU negotiate deals for YOUR home that YOU can afford, YOU decide the classification of YOUR relationships and the government does not, YOU negotiate your salary and benefits, YOU pay your employees, YOU are responsible for the future success/failure of YOUR business, YOU own YOUR property, YOU pursue YOUR own success and happiness without government intrusion. YOUR cell phone calls are YOURS, YOUR relationships are YOURS, YOUR money is YOURS, YOUR pursuit of YOUR property and more of it is YOURS, it goes on and on.

The freedom of the INDIVIDUAL is being destroyed by governmental expedience. We cannot print money out of control, and we certainly cannot have a "Global New Deal" to combat the recession. Recessions happen. Guess what? A massive housing and debt bubble has burst. Things will get better as soon as the government stops propping up housing and debt (which Obama said he would continue in the Congressional Address). Not only is he aiming to "redistribute" from the successful to the unsuccessful (bailouts take from productive to give to non-productive business in addition to rich/poor), but he's aiming to redistribute American wealth to the world through the Global New Deal.

It is disgusting. It must come to an end or we will be bankrupt and slaves to a totalitarian state.

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